Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K105011_sequence (Version 1)
Our BioBrick is red-orange fluorescent protein which can be used to label proteins in yeast. Therefor it has specific characteristics of a BioBrick part for fusion proteins (see design details).
To enable the fusion with other domains in frame the vector of this BioBrick has no base pair in between the restriction side and the BioBrick. Furthermore, this coding sequence does not include a start codon.
For more information about this issus, see:
Phillips, I.E. and Silver, P.A. "A new Biobrick Assembly Strategy Designed for Facile Protein Engineering."
DSpace http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/32535 (2006).
We changed the format of [[Part:BBa_E2050| BBa_E2050]] into Phillips/Silver standard.