Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K1065311_sequence (Version 1)
This device is composed by the blue light sensor device, an inverter, a reporter chromoprotein AmilCP and EFE (Ethylene Forming Enzyme) coding sequence. This device allows to produce AmyilCP (a reporter blu chromoprotein) and 2-Oxoglutarate Oxygenase/Decarboxylase enzyme when culture is exposed to blue light. To allow this behaviour an inverter was included into the device. The inverter is composed by the photo-repressible promoter pFixK2 followed by the cI coding sequence. Finally the reporter and EFE gene were putted under the control of a pLambda promoter (that can be ihnibited by cI protein).
We designed the device with a reporter gene so the colonies can be screened in an easily way. Moreover, EFE gene is compatible with the RFC25 assembly (Freiburg Assembly) allowing us to fuse that protein with another protein domain.
The device is composed by two subparts created by the UNITN-Trento 2013 iGEM team.