Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K1093021_sequence (Version 1)
Human hemoglobin beta chain fused at C-terminus with the C-terminal fragment of superfolder green fluorescent protein. m6 mutated version of the C-terminal sfGFP fragment offers larger sensitivity at the price of lowers specificity (as opposed to m12 vaersion) Along with BBa_K1093020 and BBa_K1093031 it is intended as a part of a reporter system for acrylamide detection. Formation of adducts on the N-terminal valine of both hemoglobin chains is known to inhibit proper assembly of hemoglobin tetramer.
Part already contains a strong RBS (BBa_B0034). The coding sequence has been codon optimised for E. coli.
HBB and sfGFP are fused with a flexible linker BBa_K157009
The sequence was synthetized by GeneRay