Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K1129013_sequence (Version 1)
CaXMT1 is the gene coding for the first enzyme of the caffeine biosynthesis pathway when starting with xanthosine as substrate. TU Munich's 2012 team isolated this gene and added a strep tag at the end, in addition to transferring it all into yeast. We modified it further by removing the yeast consensus sequence and placing the gene and strep tag behind an arabinose-inducible promoter and bacterial consensus sequence. This system was moved into a prokaryote, specifically E. coli strain K12. We have yet to test for expression, and we may find that codon optimization is needed.
PCR amplification was initially difficult because we had designed quite long primers to add the standard prefix (which included the bacterial consensus sequence) and suffix.
Modified from 2012 TU Munich iGEM Part: BBa_K801070.