Types | DnaRegion
Roles | DNA
Sequences | BBa_K125340_sequence (Version 1)
Plasmids containing oriV and the corresponding Rep proteins (from RSF1010) are autonomously replicated in a broad range of hosts. It has been reported that RSF1010 derived plasmids containing oriV and the Rep proteins are stably maintained in Pseudomonas (Bagdasarian 1981), Caulobacter (Umelo-Njaka et al. 2001), Erwinia, Serratia (Leemans 1987), and several cyanobacteria strains (Mermet-Bouvier 1993) including Synechocystis PCC6803 and PCC6714 and Synechococcus PCC7942 and PCC6301.
This part is to be constructed with the Rep proteins derived from an RSF1010 plasmid.
This part is taken from the RSF1010 derived plasmid pRL1383a. A description of this plasmid can be found at the NCBI database at accession number AF403426.