Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Composite
Sequences | BBa_K1383002_sequence (Version 1)
In an effort to expand synthetic biology research for Archaea, we have developed protein expression tools to facilitate fluorescence mediated detection of proteins. For our 2014 project we present 3 new BioBrick parts that iGEMers can use readily. All three of our parts are BioBrick compatible. Specifically, we constructed tools consisting of native/ synthetic Methanococcus RBS site(s) upstream of a gene encoding red fluorescent protein-mCherry. Prior to cloning the mCherry gene was codon optimized for expression in Methanoccocus (also, ensuring BioBrick compatibility in the design considerations).
The BioBrick part- BBa_K1383002 consists of the theoretical weakest Methanococcus RBS site upstream of the mCherry gene. This fragment was inserted into pSB1C3 plasmid backbone using EcoRI and PstI restriction enzymes.
We have ensured Bio Brick Compatibility for all our parts.
The native RBS sequence was obtained from Methanococcus maripaludis.
The mCherry gene was obtained from Clonentech (Discosoma sp.)and was then codon optimized for expression in Methanococcus.