Types | DnaRegion
Roles | polypeptide_domain
Sequences | BBa_K1422503_sequence (Version 1)
Deoxymugineic acid synthase (DMAS) reduces the 3"-carbon of 3???deamino-3???-oxonicotianamine (a 3???-keto intermediate) to produce 2???-Deoxymugineic Acid (DMA). This is the fourth of four enzymes used to produce corn phytosiderophores, and to produce a phytosiderophore would be used with BBa_K1422500, BBa_K1422501, and BBa_K1422502.
This sequence did not need to be altered to allow for Bacillus subtilis codon optimization.
The sequence for this was obtained from the NCBI website.
NCBI. (2014). deoxymugineic acid synthase1 [Zea mays]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/162460852