Types | DnaRegion
Roles | promoter
Sequences | BBa_K143011_sequence (Version 1)
Promoter gsiB is a sigma factor B dependent promoter found in B.subtilis. In B.subtilis endogenous sigma factor B is activated under mild stress. These mild stress conditions can be generally split into nutrient stress response and physical stress response. Nutrient stress response is triggered by low levels of ATP and GTP and physical stress response is triggered by exposure to blue light, salt, heat, acid or ethanol1. The promoter gsiB has been used previously as a read out for the activation of sigma factor B 2. The context with which we used the promoter gsiB, was to take blue light as an input and give Polymerase Per Second(PoPS) as an output. To do this the other potential inputs need to be carefully controlled so that only blue light activated the sigma B and gives a PoPS output. In order to get sufficient sigma B activation by blue light the light receptor YtvA, part...., needs to be over expressed in B.subtilis 3.
Biobrick standard was applied to the promoter gsiB sequence.
The part was designed using the sequence from the B.subtilis genome and from previously published papers 23. This sequence was then synthesised by Geneart.