Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K1921001_sequence (Version 1)
PETase protein coding region.This part,Unlike other PET degrading enzymes,is dedicated to the role of PET degradation. PETase was found from a kind of microorganism(Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6) living on PET as the main carbon source. It can degrade macromolecular polymers into monomers.PETase is the only enzyme found in bacteria which can degrade PET. Compare to the other enzyme found in fungi like LCC, TfH, FsC, PETase is much more active under low temperature environment, which means its reaction conditions is feasible in practical application than the others'.Additionally, PETase has been shown to have a degrading efficiency 120 times greater than alternative enzymes.Our subject of the competition for this year is to modify PETase and developing cell surface display.
Because we want to express PETase in E.coli and pichia pastor,we make codon optimization on it.
We order the part DNA from a synthesis company.