Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Composite
Sequences | BBa_K1949060_sequence (Version 1)
When we simulated the final circuit with Plux and Prhl, we found that the circuit didn???t work well because the strength of promoter Prhl was weaker than Plux. In addition, we found that the expression amount of GFP was small from the results of reporter assay for Ptet-rbs-rhlR-Prhl(
BBa_I14017 )-rbs-gfp. In 2014, we tried improving Prhl and this year, we have decided to try further improvements in strength of promoter. In order to accomplish this goal, we inserted single base modification into Prhl and improved the strength of Prhl. Furthermore, we were able to weaken the strength of Prhl and it enabled us to make a Prhl family.
yafN gene fragment amplified by PCR contains XbaI site at N-terminal and SpeI and PstI site at C-terminal. Both terminals were cut by respective restriction enzymes and the fragment used for ligation with iGEM plasmid vector
yafN(BBa_K1949020) was gained by PCR using E. coli MG1655 genomic DNA and the following primers.
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