Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Coding
Sequences | BBa_K1985003_sequence (Version 1)
Usage: The mamX gene produces a protein that can be used to transfer electrons to iron molecules. It can be used in combination with other mam genes to form an electron transport complex (reference) that should form magnetic magnetite crystals when the cell is exposed to into in solution. It was to assemble a construct of MamO, P, T and X in pSB1A3 for in vivo expression.
MamX is a proposed cytochrome protein (reference) due to the presence of a heme binding motif within its sequence. It forms a complex with other Mam proteins on the membrane of the native species, Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Together they promote magnetite crystal maturation within an organelle called the magnetosome.
Codon Optimised
The part comes from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, sourced from Rokas Juodeikis in Professor Martin Warren's lab at the University of Kent.