Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Device
Sequences | BBa_K2008008_sequence (Version 1)
This part is meant to be used as a way to integrate any desired insert into the B. subtilis chromosome, which will then be secreted and possess the ability to diffuse transdermally through human skin.
The integration cassette contains the constitutive B. subtilis promoter pVeg (BBa_K143012) and a strong B. subtilis RBS (BBa_K780001), as well as a B. subtilis secretory signal peptide sequence to allow for secretion of the desired protein product directly into surrounding media. A transdermal tag (TD1, BBa_K1074000) is included to allow for diffusion of the protein product across the skin.
The sequence contains two internal restriction enzyme sites: one for BamHI and one for XmaI. These sites allow for the directional cloning of a desired insert.
Note: This part is a composite part, not a basic part, but it could not be added as composite at the time of entry.
Addition of the AmyE homology regions are derived from B. subtilis 168 genomic DNA. Internal BamHI and XmaI restriction sites are present to allow for directional cloning of any desired insert. A secretory tag is present to allow for secretion of said insert, and a transdermal tag is present to allow the desired protein product to be secreted.
The pVeg promoter, sec secretion tag as well as the 125-bp AmyE regions of homology B. subtilis genome. TD1 is a transdermal tag first entered into the registry by the USTC_China iGEM team in 2013.