Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K2075017_sequence (Version 1)
The eGFP is a part which synthesize a green fluorescence protein (GFP). Exposed under blue or UV light it emits a bright green light. The enhanced GFP (eGFP) has a higher intensity emission than the wildtyp GFP. The origin of the GFP is the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Today the GFP is an essential fluorescence reporter protein for biologie especially cellbiologie. It can be connect to other proteins to detect the expression of these proteins and their location.
We used the eGFP to detect our TAL effectors on a chip, spotted with oligonucleotides. these oligonucleotides includes the target sequenz of the TALE Hax3 ??? 2xNN (A C A C C C G/A G/A N C A).
No considerations.