Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K2088003_sequence (Version 1)
PbaA1A2 protein codingregion. This part encodes an oxygenase, which is one of three components of the 3-phenoxybenzoate 1',2'-dioxygenase.
3-phenoxybenzoate 1',2'-dioxygenase is an angular dioxygenase. It belongs to a type IV Rieske non-heme iron aromatic ring-hydroxylating oxygenase (RHO) system consisting of a hetero-oligomeric oxygenase, a [2Fe-2S]-type ferredoxin, and a GR-type reductase. In our project, 3-phenoxybenzoate 1',2'-dioxygenase catalyzes the hydroxylation in the 1'and 2' positions of the benzene moiety of 3-phenoxybenzoate(3-PBA), yielding 3-hydroxybenzoate(3-HBA) and catechol. PbaA1A2 is the terminal oxidase during the angular dioxygenation of 3-PBA.
pbaA1 encodes a putative 48-kDa protein consisting of 435 amino acids, pbaA2 encodes a putative 21-kDa protein consisting of 176 amino acids. They encodes phenoxybenzoic acid dioxygenase alpha subunit and beta subunit respectively.
PbaA1 contains conserved sequences for a Rieske [2Fe-2S] domain (CXHX17CX2H) and a nonheme Fe(II) domain (EX4DX2HX4H), suggesting that PbaA1 is the oxygenase component of an RHO.
Note: this part should always be used with pbaB (a [2Fe-2S]-type ferredoxin. For more details, see BBa_K2088006). In addition, this system requires a gene coding for a glutathione reductase (GR)-type reductase to physiologically transfer electrons to PbaA1A2B (In our project, we choose pbaC. For more details ,see BBa_K20880020).
Sphingobium wenxiniae JZ-1, sequence found through GenBank https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KJ009324.1