Types | DnaRegion
Roles | sequence_feature
Sequences | BBa_K242050_sequence (Version 1)
This DNA fragment contains the cos region of bacteriophage P4. This region consist in the cohesive ends and the region flanking these ends that is involved in DNA packaging inside the capsid.
Having a plasmid inside E. Coli with this cos site while a coinfection of the cell with P2 and P4 will result in packaging of those plasmids inside a capsid and production of P2 and P4 phages.
The minimal region of the cos site for P4 its similar to the homologous region to P2. Its about 56-bp from (-29 to +26).
This is not the minimal region of cos site. Its a longer fragment because an increased efficiency in transduction according to one article(*)
(*) Ziermann R, Calendar R.:Characterization of the cos sites of bacteriophages P2 and P4.:Gene. 1990 Nov 30;96(1):9-15.
This part comes from P4 bacteriophage genome, from region -100 to 118.