Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Composite
Sequences | BBa_K410000_sequence (Version 1)
What it is:
This part consists of hybB-ompA-AOX1A.
HybB is a cold shock promoter. OmpA is a periplasmic targeting sequence, and AOX1A is a gene responsible for thermogenesis in the sacred lotus, a plant.
What it does:
Induces AOX1A expression in response to a cold shock. Here, we describe a "cold shock" as incubating E. coli between 20-30C for 10-12 hours. The part should produce a thermogenic response raising the temperature of the E. coli's immediate environment (plate or liquid cultures) above ambient temperature.
Design considerations revolved primarily around targeting the AOX to the periplasm in order to localize AOX near its proper substrates.
The part consists of three sub-parts with varying origins. The cold-shock promoter, HybB, was amplified using PCR from the biobrick BBa_J43001 in the Spring 2010 Distribution.
OmpA was amplified from a commercial vector pFLAGS-CTS (Sigma), a plasmid that contains the 81 bp signal peptide.
Aox1a, the alternative oxidase from Sacred Lotus, was synthesized commercially by Mr. Gene, Co. The sequence was taken from Genbank (GenBank: AB491175.1) and is from the Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera).