Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K730002_sequence (Version 1)
The complete denitrification of nitrate by bacteria to dinitrogen (N,) is generally an anaerobic respiratory process. The last step involves the dissimilatory reduction of nitrous oxide (N,O), the free energy change of which can be coupled to phosphorylation (Zumft,1992; Zumft & Kroneck, 1990). nosZ is the structural gene for the periplasmic N,O reductase which is required to the conversion of nitrous oxide into free nitrogen. . The nitrous oxide that is emitted in the paddy fields is caused due to the excessive use of fertilizers. The microbes naturally present in the paddy field lead to the emission of nitrous oxide by utilizing these chemical fertilizers. . NosZ is a gene derived from P.aeruginosa and is used for denitrification.
nosZ; nitrous-oxide reductase (EC:; K00376 nitrous-oxide reductase [EC:]
Yes it comes from Pseudomonas aeruginosa