Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_M12066_sequence (Version 1)
This is a gene encoding a cellulose synthase gene showing high conservation between multiple organisms, including C. Reinhardtii, E. Coli and Salmonella. The cellulose synthase enzyme is responsible for catalyzing cellulose production from carbohydrate monomers, and produces the cellulose that forms the bulk of the cell-walls of photoautotrophs. Proposed uses include using different levels of promotor expression to up or down regulate cellulose production in a cell; thereby causing either thickening or deficiency in the cell wall of a photoautotroph.
In order to select the sequence to use for the part, NCBI's ORF finder web application was used to determine the correct open reading frame to use. This yielded the sequence that will be used for the part.
This part comes from the GenBank database, Accession number EU889445. It was found using a partial C. Reinhardtii sequence, and then utilizing NCBI's BLAST 2 tool to identify the closest matching complete gene sequence. This sequence was an E. Coli cellulose synthase, and it is this gene that has been used in creating this part. This part should be usable across species, as it has very close BLAST matches to genes from an assortment of cellulose producing microoragnisms, including green algae and various bacterial strains.