Types | DnaRegion
Roles | promoter
Sequences | BBa_M41002_sequence (Version 1)
It is a first promoter of AlkS gene which is recognized by σS-RNA polymerase. It is downregulated by AlkS protein in the absence of alkanes, keeping the level of AlkS constant in the cell. When there are alkanes present in the cell, AlkS-hydrocarbon complex represses pAlkS1 and activates second promoter, pAlkS2, to produce more AlkS.
We cannot separate pAlkS1, pAlkS2 and AlkS gene because of self-regulatory system.
Canosa, I., et al. "A Positive Feedback Mechanism Controls Expression of AlkS, the Transcriptional Regulator of the Pseudomonas Oleovorans Alkane Degradation Pathway." Molecular microbiology 35.4 (2000): 791-9