Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Regulatory
Sequences | BBa_J100029_sequence (Version 1)
The promoter of the Escherchia Coli gene rpoDPhs is an 76 nucleotide base long sequence with 4 additional nucleotide bases added to each 5' end to create sticky ends to allow for transcription. The promoter of rpoDPhs is inducible by heat shock; therefore, in the abscence of heat the promoter of rpoDPhs is inactive. When activated by the prescence of heat, the promoter of rpoDPhs will begin transcription.
We added sticky ends to the top left strand and the bottom right. See details: http://partsregistry.org/Part:BBa_J100028
List of E. coli Gene Promoters: http://margalit.huji.ac.il/promec/prom.seq.final.html
Wayne E. Taylor, David B. Straus, Alan D. Grossman, Zachary F. Burton, Carol A. Gross and Richard R. Burgess Transcription from a heat-inducible promoter causes heat shock regulation of the sigma subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase. Cell. Volume 38, Issue 2, September 1984, Pages 371-381