Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_J119351_sequence (Version 1)
The construct is a biosensor for ammeline. The P5 promoter drives a riboswitch (D5) that allows translation in the presence of ammeline (made by demethylation of melamine) of a RFP reporter gene. The D5 riboswitch is based on the M6C" riboswitch with a weak RBS (CACAGGA) and the sequestration sequence in the P2 stem of the aptamer (see Figure 1A of http://www.pnas.org/content/107/7/2830.full).
The D5 riboswitch is based on the M6C" riboswitch with a weak RBS (CACAGGA) and the sequestration sequence in the P2 stem of the aptamer.
This riboswitch is based on M6C".