Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K112808_sequence (Version 1)
This is the lysis device using three genes from enterobacteria phage T4: lysozyme, holin, and antiholin. Various promoters can be installed with this device to control the lysis of bacteria. Antiholin has its own constitutive promoter to prevent the formation of holin multimers from basal expression. When the device is off, higher expression of antiholin compared to holin is required for better stability of the device.
[Pcon].[Antiholin].[terminator] was assembled first, and then assembled with [T4 holin].[terminator]; Constitutive expression of antiholin is required before assembling holin.
Pubmed Accession Number: NC_000866
Enterobacteria phage T4