Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Device
Sequences | BBa_K1355003_sequence (Version 1)
The Bioaccumulative biobrick is composed of our ???essential biobrick??? (BBa_K1355001) + a Metallothionein (BBa_K346004) available in the database of the iGEM since 2010.In the presence of mercury, The MerR protein will bind to it and MerT, MerP and Metal Binding Protein (MBP) proteins are synthesized and bioaccumulation will start! The MerP and MerT protein are responsible for the transport of mercury from the periplasm to the cytoplasm, leading him to MBP! The MBP binds to the mercury in the cytoplasm, rendering it inactive.
For this construct, we followed these steps: Extraction of plasmid DNA and DNA quantification of bacteria transformed with the Essential Biobrick (BBa_K1355001) and the bacteria transformed with the MBP Biobrick (BBa_K346004); Verifying the electrophoretic profile of the extracted plasmid DNA; Restriction enzyme digestion for Essential Biobrick with SpeI and PstI and for MBP Biobrick with PstI and XbaI; Checking the electrophoretic profile of digested samples; Purification of the Fragment of interest from the gel; Ligation the gel purification of MBP gene and digested Essential Biobrick; Transformation of ligation in DH5-alpha; Plasmid DNA extraction from bacteria transformed; Check the electrophoretic profile to see results of samples linked (no fragments); Digestion of Essential Biobrick + MBP Biobrick with EcoRI and PstI, aiming to analyze the fragment size to be isolated; Checking the electrophoretic profile of the digested sample to obtain results showing that the isolated fragment is the junction of Essential Biobrick +MBP Biobrick ;
BBa_K1355001; BBa_K346004