BBa_K1362161BBa_K1362161 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Gp41-1 C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362166BBa_K1362166 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Gp41-1 N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct with additional C-teminal insertion site
BBa_K1362167BBa_K1362167 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Gp41-1 C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct with additional N-teminal insertion site
SspDnaX(N)BBa_K1362110 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaX N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362111BBa_K1362111 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaX C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
SspGyrB(N)BBa_K1362120 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspGyrB N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362160BBa_K1362160 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Gp41-1 N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362173BBa_K1362173 Version 1 (Component)Split sfGFP reconstitution N-terminal splicing half
iGEM Parts Registryigem_collection Version 1 (Collection)The iGEM Registry is a growing collection of genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. As part of the synthetic biology community's efforts to make biology easier to engineer, it provides a source of genetic parts to iGEM teams and academic labs.
1Gate-NpuDBBa_K1362100 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
CircNpuBBa_K1362000 Version 1 (Component)NpuDnaE intein RFC[105] circularization construct
CircNpu*BBa_K1362001 Version 1 (Component)NpuDnaE intein RFC[105] circularization construct (with FLAG and Smt3)
BBa_K1362011BBa_K1362011 Version 1 (Component)RBS + λ-Lysozyme
BBa_K1362050BBa_K1362050 Version 1 (Component)Intein protease - T7RBS-His-SspDnaBC
BBa_K1362012BBa_K1362012 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Circular λ-Lysozyme with His6 linker
BBa_K1362013BBa_K1362013 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Circular λ-Lysozyme with rigid linker
BBa_K1362021BBa_K1362021 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Circular Xylanase with His6 linker
BBa_K1362022BBa_K1362022 Version 1 (Component)RBS + Circular Xylanase
BBa_K1362106BBa_K1362106 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct with additional C-teminal insertion site
1GateNpuEBBa_K1362101 Version 1 (Component)RBS+NpuDnaE C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362107BBa_K1362107 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct with additional N-teminal insertion site
1NpuE(N*)BBa_K1362102 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE N-intein RFC[105] non-splicing control construct (with His6)
1NpuE(C*)BBa_K1362103 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE C-intein RFC[105] non-slicing control construct (with His6)
SspGyrB(C)BBa_K1362121 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspGyrB C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
TerDnaE3(NBBa_K1362130 Version 1 (Component)RBS + TerDnaE3 N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
TerDnaE3(CBBa_K1362131 Version 1 (Component)RBS + TerDnaE3 C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
SspDnaB(N)BBa_K1362140 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaB N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
SspDnaB(C)BBa_K1362141 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaB C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
SspDnaB(N*BBa_K1362142 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaB N-intein RFC[105] non-splicing control construct (with His6)
SspDnaB(C*BBa_K1362143 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaB C-intein RFC[105] non-splicing control construct (with His6)
SspDnaE(N)BBa_K1362150 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaE N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
SspDnaE(C)BBa_K1362151 Version 1 (Component)RBS + SspDnaE C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct (with His6)
CircSortA*BBa_K1362003 Version 1 (Component)Sortase A circularization construct (with Smt3 and His6)
CircSortABBa_K1362002 Version 1 (Component)Sortase A circularization construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362004BBa_K1362004 Version 1 (Component)Sortase A non-circularization construct (with His6)
BBa_K1362005BBa_K1362005 Version 1 (Component)Sortase A non-circularization construct (with Smt3 and His6)
sfGFP_T65CBBa_K1362170 Version 1 (Component)Split sfGFP reconstitution positive control
Split sfGFBBa_K1362171 Version 1 (Component)Split sfGFP reconstitution C-terminal splicing half
BBa_K1362104BBa_K1362104 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE N-intein RFC[105] assembly construct
BBa_K1362105BBa_K1362105 Version 1 (Component)RBS + NpuDnaE C-intein RFC[105] assembly construct
BBa_K1362172BBa_K1362172 Version 1 (Component)Split sfGFP reconstitution C-terminal non-splicing control half
BBa_K1362174BBa_K1362174 Version 1 (Component)Split sfGFP reconstitution N-terminal non-splicing control half
//rbsrbs Version 1 (Collection)