Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K1519007_sequence (Version 1)
Osmotically Hyperinducible Protein Y (OsmY) is an E. coli gene utilized for osmotic regulation. Previous work has shown OsmY to be capable of functioning as a secretion tag when fused to a second protein of interest. The pathway of secretion for OsmY is unknown, but work has hinted towards the Sec pathway as the mechanism of secretion for this protein. However, unlike Sec-pathway secretion, OsmY fusions have been reported to also be secreted out of the periplasm into the growth medium, a unique function of this protein that allows for many applications moving forward.
Previous work has shown N-terminal OsmY fusions to function less efficiently than C-terminal. However, as the pathway of secretion is unknown, support for this observation is not justified
DH5a E. coli