Types | DnaRegion
Roles | promoter
Sequences | BBa_K1634005_sequence (Version 1)
"myo-3 encodes MHC A, the minor isoform of MHC (myosin heavy chain) that is essential for thick filament formation, and for viability, movement, and embryonic elongation; expressed in body muscle, the somatic sheath cell covering the hermaphrodite gonad, and also expressed in enteric muscle, vulval muscles of the hermaphrodite and the diagonal muscles of the male tail. "(from Wormatlas) Since we want to control the C.elegans' movement,we decided to use pmyo-3 (promoter of myo-3) to construct a plasmid which can drive the expression in the worm???s body muscle.
Since we use the restriction enzyme site to do the ligation, we should pay attention to the sequence of Pmyo3, avoiding using the restriction site exits in it.
We get Pmyo3 from the C.elegans' genomic DNA by PCR.