iGEM Parts Registryigem_collection Version 1 (Collection)The iGEM Registry is a growing collection of genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. As part of the synthetic biology community's efforts to make biology easier to engineer, it provides a source of genetic parts to iGEM teams and academic labs.
BBa_K300006BBa_K300006 Version 1 (Component)mOrange with ADH1 transcriptional terminator for yeast
BBa_S04141BBa_S04141 Version 1 (Component)K165014:K165018
BBa_K165019BBa_K165019 Version 1 (Component)CFPx2 + SV40 NLS + ADH1 yeast terminator
BBa_K165044BBa_K165044 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV DNA binding domain with SV40 NLS and ADH1 terminator
BBa_K165049BBa_K165049 Version 1 (Component)Full LexA Repressor (tagges with mCherryx2)
BBa_K165050BBa_K165050 Version 1 (Component)Full Gli1 Repressor (tagged with mCherryx2)
BBa_K165051BBa_K165051 Version 1 (Component)Full YY1 Repressor (tagged with mCherryx2)
BBa_K165052BBa_K165052 Version 1 (Component)Full Zif268-HIV Repressor (tagged with mCherryx2)
BBa_K165053BBa_K165053 Version 1 (Component)Full LexA Repressor (tagged with CFPx2)
BBa_K165054BBa_K165054 Version 1 (Component)Full Gli1 Repressor (tagged with CFPx2)
BBa_K165090BBa_K165090 Version 1 (Component)Gli1 bs + LexA bs + mCYC + LexA repressor (mCherryx2 tagged) on pRS306
BBa_K165091BBa_K165091 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV bs + LexA bs + mCYC + Zif268-HIV repressor (mCherryx2 tagged) on pRS306
BBa_K165092BBa_K165092 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV bs + LexA bs + mCYC + Gli1 repressor (mCherryx2 tagged) on pRS303
BBa_K165093BBa_K165093 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV bs + TEF2 + Gli1 repressor (CFPx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165094BBa_K165094 Version 1 (Component)Gli1 bs + TEF2 + LexA repressor (CFPx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165095BBa_K165095 Version 1 (Component)Gli1 bs + LexA bs + mCYC + Zif268-HIV repressor (mCherryx2 tagged) on pRS303
BBa_K165096BBa_K165096 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV bs + MET25+ Gli1 repressor (CFPx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165097BBa_K165097 Version 1 (Component)Gli1 bs + MET25+ LexA repressor (CFPx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165098BBa_K165098 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV bs + ADH1 + Gli1 repressor (CFPx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165099BBa_K165099 Version 1 (Component)Gli1 bs + ADH1+ LexA repressor (CFPx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165100BBa_K165100 Version 1 (Component)Gli1 bs + LexA bs + mCYC + LexA repressor (mCherryx2 tagged) on pRS304*
BBa_K165101BBa_K165101 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV bs + LexA bs + mCYC + Zif268-HIV repressor (mCherryx2 tagged) on pRS304*