Types | DnaRegion
Roles | DNA
Sequences | BBa_K1667005_sequence (Version 1)
This part includes two individual DNA domains. 1. A strong promoter followed with a RNA thermometer sequence, which regulate the transcription of opdA gene and expression of opdA protein out of the host cell via an ompA peptide. This DNA fragment domain could be obtained by double-digested with EcoR I + Spe I. 2. A UV induced promoter (RecA SOS) followed with a suicide gene ccdB, which could lead to the death of host cell if exposed in UV. This DNA fragment domain could be obtained by double-digested with Xho I + Spe I. And the whole part DNA fragment could be obtained by double-digested with Xho I + EcoR I.
There is a DNA spacer fragment between the two domains in this parts.
The sequence of the strong promoter in this part is from BB_J23106 in igem. The sequence of the RNA thermometer in this part is from BB_K115017 in igem. The sequence of the opdA gene in this part is from BB_K215090, BB_K215091, and BB_K1010008 in igem. The sequence of the RecA(SOS)promoter in this
part is from BB_J22106 in igem. The sequence of the ccdB gene in this part is from BB_K145151 and BB_K1010007 in igem. The sequence of the ompA in this part is from AJ617284.1 in GenBank.