Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Translational_Unit
Sequences | BBa_K1670002_sequence (Version 1)
BBa_K1670002 (CepR) is the regulatory counterpart of the CepR/I quorum sensing system of Bulkholderia cenocepacia. The protein forms inclusion bodies in the absence of C8-HSL and needs to bind C8-HSL to stay in a soluble form [1] When a concentration of 80-100 nM C8-HSL is reached, the homoserine lactone binds CepR and induces a dimerization of the regulatory protein and allows binding to its corresponding DNA-binding site in an imperfect dyad manner[1] and works as an activator of the corresponding promoter.
The gene is codon optimized for E.coli BL21 and contains a synthetic ribosome binding site.
Sequencing of Burkholderia cepacia GenBank: AJ422183.1