Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K1779200_sequence (Version 1)
ntegration of three genes, including mamW, RFP and laccase.Where mamW gene is isolated from MTB bacilli obtained can be used as an anchor protein.RFP gene is extracted from iGEM official bio bricks, in this experiment, as a reporter gene expression can display fusion gene.Laccase gene is also obtained from the iGEM official bio bricks and paint as an oxidase enzyme, in this experiment, as the cathodic reaction main substance involved in the biofuel cell.
We designed primers with linker will mamW, RFP and laccase three genes linked by PCR of fusion.The mamW and RFP genes'stop codons have been removed.
mamW gene is from MTB's genomic sequence.
RFP gene is obtained from the iGEM official bio bricks, which numbered BBa_E1010.
Laccase gene is obtained from the iGEM official bio bricks, which numbered BBa_K863005.