Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K1926012_sequence (Version 1)
This part is the VIKA UNIT of cyclebow system including an sv40 nuclear location sequence (NLS), a recombinase gene named VIKA and an sv40 terminator flanked by homodromous recognition site of recombinase VIKA named Vox. The whole part can be cut off by VIKA. This part is the improvement of the BBa_K1641003,which is a plain VIKA.
You may use this part to:
1) Test the cut-off efficiency of recombinase VIKA by qRT-PCR;
2) Fast cut off this part by transient transfecting recombinase gene into nucleus;
3) Do lineage tracking.
The recombinase gene VIKA and its RTS Vox were got through denovo synthesis. NLS and sv40 terminator were got from commercial plasmid: pentry nls GFP/pcdn3.1.