Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Protein_Domain
Sequences | BBa_K2017001_sequence (Version 1)
Half of the SpCas9 protein fused to DnaE C-intein. The active full-lenght spCas9 can be recovered by using the other half of the protein, C-split Cas9 + DnaE C-intein. Inteins are used to fuse both parts of the protein, as they interact and splice, leaving the active protein.
As the part needs to be inserted in a viral vector, the overhangs have to be designed accordingly to the viral vector that is going to be used. The synthesis of N-split Cas9 could not be made in one gBlock, as it is too big. Hence, the half protein had to be splitted in two other parts for its synthesis.
The protein domain is synthesized with the intein