Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Measurement
Sequences | BBa_K2066076_sequence (Version 1)
The part is flanked by UNS 2 and UNS 3 as per the WM UNS gibson cloning standard. This part is used to characterize the promoter part Bba_J23118 with riboJ insulation so that the effects of RiboJ insulation on gene expression can be characterized using the corresponding WM part K2066097. This part on 1C3 can be cotransformed into cells along with K2066016 (preferably on pSB3K3 or other low copy backbone for ideal induction behavior) and the resulting IPTG-induction curve can be compared to those of other parts (K2066059 - K20660108) with different promoter / RiboJ variations.
This part was designed to perform RiboJ characterization verifying and building on that performed in Lou et al. 2012 (???Ribozyme-based insulator parts buffer synthetic circuits from genetic context???). This part will be used in concert with WM16_015 (plLACO-1 Ribozyme Chracterization Part ??? cI GFP) to determine the influence of the RiboJ insulator sequence on gene expression.
This part was created using Gibson Assembly methods. We used K2066035 as a template and an amplicon containing the relevant promoter sequence +/- RiboJ combination as the insert. RiboJ sequence sfGFP sequence from Lou et al., Supplement section V. sfGFP sequence derived and modified from Lou et al., Supplement section V. The UNS sequences are from Torella et al. 2013.