Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Device
Sequences | BBa_K259012_sequence (Version 1)
This part will express the protein OsmE that is found on the Outer Membrane of E.coli cells. This protein is osmotically inducible but of unknown function.
The part currently carries an illegal EcoRI site that can be mutated out (contact us for information).
It is useful for protein fusions when the user wants to deliver proteins to the outer membrane. For protein fusions the part can be used with Bioscaffolds designed by the BCCS-Bristol iGEM'09 team, that facilitate protein fusion (
At the time of writing only part Bba_K259002 is supported.
Part was designed using 2-way ligation to avoid EcoRI site.
AraC - occurs naturally in E.coli genome. This part was created by assembling parts R0081 and R0080 together.
RBS - Designed from the Anderson family. A strong RBS for high translation rates.
OsmE - Obtained via PCR gene cloning from the E.coli MG1655 genome.