Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Generator
Sequences | BBa_K537002_sequence (Version 1)
This DNA part will encode for an RNA riboswitch senstive to theophylline. The riboswitch, in the absence of theophylline, prevents the exposure of the RBS. When theophylline is present, it binds to the riboswitch exposing the RBS and allows for the translation of the adjoining gene. In this case, the gene which will be expressed is CheZ, which a protein fundamental to bacterial movement. This riboswitch has a stronger fold increase protein expression compared with Theophylline Riboswitch 1 + RBS + CheZ
The effectiveness of the theophylline riboswitch is determined by the ability of the RNA 'loop' to hide the RBS preventing translation. The sequence of bases within the riboswitch will determine the formation of the loop and its leakiness.
The CheZ gene was isolated from genomic DNA using PCR where the forward primers in the reaction contained the sequence for the theophylline riboswitch.