Types | DnaRegion
Roles | chromosome
Derived from Dr. Jeff Tabor JT2 E. coli strain, this part is a built-in red-light induction system in E. coli made through chromosome insertion. Avoiding the need of any extra-chromosomal DNA when light-inducing gene expression offering several advantages to the researcher.
It is proposed as a photo-chassis that could make useful tools in this field of light induction.
Integration was performed for the genes pcyA, ho1, Cph8 and a Mnt working as follows:
Genes ho1 and pcyA are responsible for the chromophore synthesis. Cph8 codes for the chimaeric red-light receptor. These three genes are constitutively expressed. Mnt repressor is expressed from pOmpC promoter, which stops being induced in presence of red-light. It is therefore used as a NOT-gate to regulate expression from pMnt.
Integration protocol of Dr. Kuhlmann
E. coli JT2 strain