Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Composite
Sequences | BBa_K571006_sequence (Version 1)
The biobrick is composite element, it is the combination of BBa_K571001 and BBa_K571003. The promoter binding to the upstream of acsCD gene, IPTG as the inducer, activates the acsCD gene to synthesize protein.
The sequence of acsCD and promoter is amplified by PCR, followed by enzyme digestion and ligation to bind the 2 sequences with the backbone-pSB1C3. The order of restriction enzyme is EcoRI, XbaI and SpeI.
It is a very long sequence, therefore below is a few measures to take note during cloning.
*The concentration agarose gel during gel electrophoresis should be about 0.8-1%
*The enzyme digestion reaction time is advised to be elongated so that digestion could be more perfect.
*The respective restriction enzyme at the both end of primer should not cut the sequence of another gene.
*acsCD: GenBank AB091060.1
*promoter: iGEM registry of standard biological part