Types | DnaRegion
Roles | chromosome
Sequences | BBa_K615000_sequence (Version 1)
This strain is designed to test zinc finger binding using a one-hybrid metabolic selection system. The endogenous genes HisB and PyrF have been knocked out and replaced with the yeast versions His3 and URA3 under the control of a Zif268 binding site. The gene coding for the omega subunit of RNA polymerase (rpoZ) was knocked out by replacing it with a Zeocin cassette, and the strain is designed to be used in conjunction with BBa_K615001 (zinc finger-omega subunit expression construct).
HisB and PyrF were knocked out using multiplex automated genome engineering (MAGE). Lambda red was employed to replace rpoZ with a zeocin cassette and to insert the kanamycin cassette-Zif268 binding site-His3-URA3 construct.
EcNR2 E. coli strain