Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Device
Sequences | BBa_K812012_sequence (Version 1)
OsTiRI is an ubuquitinase E3 that recognise and trigger the ubiquitination of every AID tagged protein. This part works with K812011 which is a AID tagged GFP. OsTirI is a protein comming from rice that have been identified as working in mammalian cells and yeast.
This part is a part of a device pattented by Kanemaki Masato, Kakimoto Tatsuo, Nishimura Kohei, Takisawa Haruhiko and Fukagawa Tatsuo for yeast and mammalian cells use (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2012/0115232.html). However the pattent does not cover the use for oviparian such as frogs and chicken.
This part contains 3 myc domain for protein staining using antiMyc antibodies
This part has been cloned in pSB1C3 using in-fusion and the illegal restriction site SpeI and PstI had been removed by PCR.
This part has been extracted from the pNHK60 plasmid using PCR. THe pNHK60 plasmid was obtained from the riken registry.