Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K864444_sequence (Version 1)
Use this part to insert any 5?????TR of your gene of interest to screen for downregulation of your gene with small RNA. PCR amplify your 5???UTR with EcoRI and BamHI and clone into any backbone carrying this part. Digest whis part with EcoRI and BamHI and as RFP is replaced, this part functions as a red/white screening system. This allows you to create a reporter system with a fluorescent marker for screening for functional small RNAs.
BBa_K864100 is situated downstrean of the RFP
BBa_J04450 and is connected in frame with a 12 aa glycine-serine repeated linker
BBa_J18922, to prevent folding distruptions in the YFP or the 5???UTR. The first 6 nt of the glycine-serine linker is a BamHI restriction site (GGATCC), which translates into glycine-serine in E.Coli.
When screening for working small RNAs, it's recommended to include the first 15 codons of the gene of interest.
Constructed from SYFP2
BBa_K864100, linker
BBa_J18922 and RFP