BBa_M36552BBa_M36552 Version 1 (Component)OYE1 Composite Sequence
BBa_M36553BBa_M36553 Version 1 (Component)OYE6 Composite Sequence
AegisBBa_M36772 Version 1 (Component)Detergent Resistance Actuator
BBa_M36826BBa_M36826 Version 1 (Component)Phenylalanine Hydroxylase w/ RBS and Terminator
iGEM Parts Registryigem_collection Version 1 (Collection)The iGEM Registry is a growing collection of genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. As part of the synthetic biology community's efforts to make biology easier to engineer, it provides a source of genetic parts to iGEM teams and academic labs.
BBa_M50053BBa_M50053 Version 1 (Component)FRET-based glucose sensor using a glucose binding protein, mRuby3 and cometGFP