Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_M50015_sequence (Version 1)
This sequence contains BsaI restriction enzyme sites on both ends. Following the BsaI restriction site on the 5' end, there is the promoter activated by cusR, followed by a high copy number RBS, followed by the sequence for cusR with STOP sequence at the end. Finally, there is the complementary BsaI restriction site.
Designed to be grafted onto EColi_Promoter_Casette with high copy number RBS and GFP
RBS: BBa_B0035 http://parts.igem.org/Ribosome_Binding_Sites/Prokaryotic/Constitutive/Community_Collection
cusR promoter from E.Coli K12 (250 nts before cusR protein sequence): http://microbesonline.org/cgi-bin/fetchLocus.cgi?locus=14707&disp=4
cusR from E.Coli K12 (684 nts of protein): http://microbesonline.org/cgi-bin/fetchLocus.cgi?locus=14707&disp=4