BBa_K199070BBa_K199070 Version 1 (Component)I13453:K199016 Pbad promotor with the suppressor tRNA of CUAGC
BBa_S03674BBa_S03674 Version 1 (Component)(-1,2) HixC-pBad<sub>rev</sub>-HixC : RBS-TetF-HixC
BBa_I2031BBa_I2031 Version 1 (Component)GFP expression device controlled by an arabinose inducible pBAD promoter
BBa_I716015BBa_I716015 Version 1 (Component)RFP without start ATG
BBa_K1036003BBa_K1036003 Version 1 (Component)lux pL controlled luxR with lux pR controlled gfp (LVA-tag)
BBa_K1441012BBa_K1441012 Version 1 (Component)DNA ligase from Escherichia coli with His-tag In pGAPz alpha A
BBa_K323075BBa_K323075 Version 1 (Component)ATG cYFP link HIVC
BBa_K1974033BBa_K1974033 Version 1 (Component)T7 Promoter+RBS+Hv1a+GS linker+snowdrop-lectin+linker+6X His-Tag
BBa_K199071BBa_K199071 Version 1 (Component)I13453:K199014: Pbad promomtor with the suppressor tRNA of the codon AGGAC
BBa_I720010BBa_I720010 Version 1 (Component)Ara landing pad (pBBLP 8)
BBa_K323164BBa_K323164 Version 1 (Component)VioA and VioB enzymes fused with zinc fingers under pBAD promoter in pSB4K5
BBa_K2144011BBa_K2144011 Version 1 (Component)Coding sequence for Nuclease with His6 and LPXTG tag regulated by T7-promoter
BBa_K323163BBa_K323163 Version 1 (Component)VioC, VioD and VioE enzymes fused with zinc fingers under pBAD promoter in pSB4C5
BBa_K1106013BBa_K1106013 Version 1 (Component)pag activator from PSP3 phage generator
BBa_K2172009BBa_K2172009 Version 1 (Component)Tac Promoter-RBS-GST-Thrombin Protease-GFP-Terminator
BBa_M36556BBa_M36556 Version 1 (Component)5' Bicistronic UTR (medium), does not include ATG start
BBa_K2123112BBa_K2123112 Version 1 (Component)Tac promoter in tandem (3 repetition) with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123115BBa_K2123115 Version 1 (Component)Universal promoter (Tac + JK26) for both growth phase with downstream mer operator + K081014