Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Intermediate
Sequences | BBa_K093004_sequence (Version 1)
This part contains a reverse BBa_R0011 followed by a forward TT, BBa_B0015.
The forward and reverse efficiencies of TTs in the registry had to be considered, especially for this part's convergent partner, BBa_K093003. R0011 was used instead of R0010 to avoid catabolite repression.
The idea is to place BBa_K093003 upstream of the gene of interest, that requires tight repression, and to place BBa_K093004 downstream. If the cells are grown in the presence of IPTG POlacI is induced and anti-sense mRNA is produced. Anti-sense mRNA will repress expression of the gene of interest through RNAi. This system also requires cI repressor (BBa_C0051) under control of POlacI (BBa_R0011). This system would be functional in a laqIq strain such as E. coli. TG1.
O'Connor,C.D., & Timmins, K.N. (1987). Highly repressible expression system for cloning genes that specify potentialy toxic proteins. Journal of Bacteriology. 169, 4457-4462.