Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Composite
Sequences | BBa_K143065_sequence (Version 1)
Aad9 spectinomycin resistance protein(BBa_K143031) coupled to the double terminator (BBa_B0015).
Aad9 confers resistance to spectinomycin.
The double terminator is the most commonly used terminator and is a combination of parts BBa_B0010 and BBa_B0012.
The double terminator allows the Spectinomycin resistance gene to be incorporated into a closed transcriptional unit.
Aad9 was PCR cloned from the B. subtilis integration vector utilising Pfu DNA polymerase. The double terminator is the most commonly used registry termiantor.
Aad9 was PCR cloned from the B. subtilis integration vector utilising Pfu DNA polymerase and cloned into a BioBrick iwth the double terminator was taken from the registry