Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Device
Sequences | BBa_M36239_sequence (Version 1)
This part is designed to sense epinephrine, and generate a PoPS signal in response.
The QseB and QseC genes are connected to a constitutive promoter, and so will be constantly expressing the QseB and QseC proteins, which will creates the adrenergic receptors (QseC) on the surface of the cell as well as the signaling molecules activated when the receptor is activated (QseB).
When epinephrine is detected by QseC, it autophosphorylates, which in turn will phosphorylate QseB. This, in turn, will bind to the flhDC promoter, activating it. This will cause a PoPS signal to be produced, which can be used with an actuator.
It is important to note that QseC may be activated not only by epinephrine, but also norepinephrine and Auto-Inducer 3 (AI3).
In order to ensure as high a PoPS signal as possible, we used the strongest promoters, RBS, and transcriptional terminators available.
The promoters, bicistronic RBS, and transcriptional terminators were all sourced from BioFab.
The QseB and QSeC coding sequences were taken from, EcoCyc, which documented the entire genome of E. Coli.
The flhDC was also taken from EcoCyc's website.