Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_M36916_sequence (Version 1)
This is a coding sequence consisting of the:
BBa_M36913: bicistronic RBS
BBa_M36915: coding DNA sequence for the benzylalcohol acetyltransferase (BEAT) enzyme. This enzyme converts benzyl alcohol into benzylacetate (a volatile, odorous compound excreted from the petals of many species of flowers).
BBa_M36912: transcription terminator
Needed to optimize part for several strengths of PoPS input and expression in E. coli
The terminator and bicistronic RBS come from the BIOFAB standards part database
Mutalik, Vivek, et al. ???Rules for Precision Gene Expression via Reusable Standard Biological Parts???
The coding DNA sequence was extracted by Natalia Dudareva et al
Dudareva, Natalia, John C. D'Auria, Kyoung Hee Nam, Robert A. Raguso, and Eran
Pichersky. "Acetyl-CoA:benzylalcohol Acetyltransferase - an Enzyme Involved in Floral
Scent Production in Clarkia Breweri." The Plant Journal 14.3 (1998): 297-304.