Types | DnaRegion
Roles | CDS
Sequences | BBa_K1039023_sequence (Version 1)
Bxb1 integrase (BBa_K1039003) and lacI repressor (BBa_Q04121) are under the constitutive strong promoter BBa_J23119. Key (BBa_I714036) is under the lac inducible promoter BBa_R0011. BBa_B0015, the transcriptional terminator, is after every Bxb1 integrase and lacI repressor cassette.
Bxb1 integrase with ribosome binding sites associated with the cis-repressive RNA ???lock??? (BBa_J01010), so translation is inhibited. The trans-activating RNA ???key??? can displace the lock and allows translation.
For Bxb1 integrase, the following three silent mutations were made to remove forbidden restriction sites:
base 273 G->A
base 1269 A->T
base 1440 G->A
Some of these parts were synthesized by BioBasic Inc and some were obtained from the iGEM 2013 distribution kit.