Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Generator
Sequences | BBa_K1060012_sequence (Version 1)
KU_Leuven 2013 requested the BBa_J45700 brick from MIT 2006 and recloned into the pSB1C3 standard plasmid backbone (BBa_K1060003). In this part we removed the lac promoter in front of the pchBA gene to get a constitutive expression of all genes needed for methyl salicylate production. We did this by amplifying the For the assembly of this part we refer to the original MIT brick BBa_J45700 => "We assembled a complete wintergreen odor biosynthetic system (BBa_J45700) by combining the salicylic acid (BBa_J45320) and wintergreen odor generators (BBa_J45120). BBa_J45700 catalyzes the conversion of the cellular metabolite chorismate to methyl salicylate or wintergreen odor."
no EcoRI, XbaI, NotI, SpeI or PstI sites present
BBa_K1060003, BBa_C0040