BBa_K1821000BBa_K1821000 Version 1 (Component)Angiostatin is an antiangiogenic protein.
PatgB4HTBBa_K844016 Version 1 (Component)Spider Silk Generator - 4x "B" Silk Construct with His Tag
BBa_K1162306BBa_K1162306 Version 1 (Component)Antimicrobial spider silk generator with C-terminus 10x His-Tag
BBa_K844017BBa_K844017 Version 1 (Component)Spider Silk Generator - 10x "F" Silk Construct with His Tag
BBa_K1898150BBa_K1898150 Version 1 (Component)Strong promoter + Strong RBS + CH25H + 10x His tag + Double terminator
BBa_K863015BBa_K863015 Version 1 (Component)xccl laccase from Xanthomonas campestris with T7 promoter, RBS and His-tag
BBa_K2027033BBa_K2027033 Version 1 (Component)BlitzenBlue-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027027BBa_K2027027 Version 1 (Component)CupidPink-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027042BBa_K2027042 Version 1 (Component)ScoogeOrange-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027035BBa_K2027035 Version 1 (Component)LeorOrange-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K1688008BBa_K1688008 Version 1 (Component)ModLac laccase with His-tag (inc RBS and J23110 promoter)
BBa_K2027043BBa_K2027043 Version 1 (Component)SeraphinaPink-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027032BBa_K2027032 Version 1 (Component)DonnerMagenta-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027028BBa_K2027028 Version 1 (Component)PrancerPurple-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027031BBa_K2027031 Version 1 (Component)VirginiaViolet-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027029BBa_K2027029 Version 1 (Component)VixenPurple-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027041BBa_K2027041 Version 1 (Component)DreidelTeal-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027030BBa_K2027030 Version 1 (Component)TinselPurple-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K2027034BBa_K2027034 Version 1 (Component)MaccabeePurple-Cellulose Binding Domain-Flag-Lumio-His-tag Fusion Protein
BBa_K195408BBa_K195408 Version 1 (Component)This part is composed of PelB,F10scFv and C-IgAP
pLacIQ1-RBBBa_K193406 Version 1 (Component)the coding is the same as BBa_193404 the back bone is changed onto pSB6A1
BBa_K1216005BBa_K1216005 Version 1 (Component)Alkaline phosphatase (phoA) from Citrobacter with TEV and poly-HIS tags
BBa_K1189001BBa_K1189001 Version 1 (Component)TALE-B with a his 6 tag under a lacI promoter
RBS-HICBBa_K1602019 Version 1 (Component)Humicola insolens cutinase with N-terminal His-Tag and RBS BBa_B0034
BBa_K783031BBa_K783031 Version 1 (Component)This is a MoClo converted version of BBa_J23114
BBa_K783032BBa_K783032 Version 1 (Component)This is a MoClo converted version of BBa_J23115
BBa_K783028BBa_K783028 Version 1 (Component)This is a MoClo converted version of BBa_J23110
BBa_K783024BBa_K783024 Version 1 (Component)This is a MoClo converted version of BBa_R0063
shTERTBBa_K1722001 Version 1 (Component)shTERT is a cancer cell specific promoter with high efficiency.
BBa_K394004BBa_K394004 Version 1 (Component)An GAL1 Inducible Sex-Lethal Construct with a His tag
BBa_J586110BBa_J586110 Version 1 (Component)This is my first part
BBa_J70084BBa_J70084 Version 1 (Component)Adds 6 his suffix, using BioScaffold part J70030 (PpiI) in pSB1AT3
BBa_K797017BBa_K797017 Version 1 (Component)This part is inserted in BBa_K797013
E coil ferBBa_K1189037 Version 1 (Component)His tag + Human ferritin di-subunit with E coil under LacI promoter
BBa_K1989030BBa_K1989030 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with mSA, His-tag , FlAsH-tag and signal peptide PelB
BBa_K1989010BBa_K1989010 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with SUP, His-tag ,FlAsH-tag and signal peptide LTIIB
BBa_K1989008BBa_K1989008 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with SUP, His-tag, FlAsH-tag and signal peptide OmpA
BBa_K1989009BBa_K1989009 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with SUP, His-tag, FlAsH-tag and signal peptide PhoA
BBa_K1989028BBa_K1989028 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with mSA, His-tag , FlAsH-tag and signal peptide PhoA
BBa_K1989027BBa_K1989027 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with mSA, His-tag , FlAsH-tag and signal peptide OmpA
BBa_K1989029BBa_K1989029 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with mSA, His-tag , FlAsH-tag and signal peptide LTIIB
BBa_K1989011BBa_K1989011 Version 1 (Component)Triple spytag with SUP, His-tag , flash tag and signal peptide PelB
BBa_M31535BBa_M31535 Version 1 (Component)This is gene IX of M13K07 (RBS, and ORF)
BBa_M31534BBa_M31534 Version 1 (Component)This is gene VII of M13K07 (RBS, and ORF)
BBa_I723126BBa_I723126 Version 1 (Component)This is the short description
BBa_K758000BBa_K758000 Version 1 (Component)UAS , this is the enhancer . And this enhancer is used to identify the protein localization .
BBa_K883703BBa_K883703 Version 1 (Component)IPTG induced promoter + GFP with a His-tag fused to a coiled coil
BBa_K1502000BBa_K1502000 Version 1 (Component)Thioesterase (TesA from E. coli) with 8-His Tag and RBS
BBa_K142019BBa_K142019 Version 1 (Component)tet-controlled lacI IS mutant (T276F) generator
BBa_K142016BBa_K142016 Version 1 (Component)tet-controlled lacI IS mutant (R197A) generator